Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Globalization has caused a positive effect on society by making us more aware about things that happen in other places around the world.

Human rights, in particular, have been globalized. In ancient times, many civilizations had their own human rights policies (such as one found on the Cyrus Cylinder, unearthed in 1879). Over the years other cultures amd countries have come up with democracy and other human rights laws, such as The Great Law of Peace (created by North American Aboriginals before Europeans came) and the American Constituation.

Now, most countries, including Canada, have laws and rules to promote fairness and equality between people. Media, a tool of globalization has helped promote this by sharing stories and pictures with the public about countries that have defied basic human rights.

News organizations, such as the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), have shared global happenings, such as the Rwandan genocide that happened in 1994, with the public via TV, radio, newspapers, and the internet. People who saw and heard about the genocide, and other human rights violations were angered by the horrible crimes, and donated money or started organizations to help them. For example, Amnesty International is one such human rights organization. It uses the media (internet, TV, radio, newspapers, etc.) to organize global camplaigns to promote human equality, and gather support against injustice.

Globalization is not all bad. Human rights have been made global, by the sharing of ideas such as democracy, and by the media doing its part. Awareness has multiplied, people only have to turn on the TV to hear about child soldiers in the Middle East. And with the awareness, normally, comes action. Action from concerned people, to work against human rights abuses. Action in the form of donations and organizations, such as Amnesty International, World Vision, and the International Justice Mission.

Amnesty International Website:
World Vision Website:
International Justice Mission Website:

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