I started this blog as a social studies assignment. Now, I'm finishing this blog, with more awareness on some of the topics I've posted about (I never knew that Wal-Mart hired factory workers to work in sweatshop conditions). My goal has been to answer the question, "To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?" It's a tough question, one that through the past few weeks, I've realized has a complicated answer.
Overall, however, the best answer I can come up with is this: Because I am a global citizen, I have the duty, the responsibility, to be aware of what is happening in my country, and my world. Globalization has many effects on people, directly and indirectly, good and bad. I should respond to these effects with thankfulness for the positive (like being able to call my Grandparents who live half a continent away), and action against the negative (like the Wal-Mart sweatshops: maybe I should send them a letter of disapproval, or stop shopping there). To the extent that I should respond, I believe that depends on the circumstance. But, if there is anything I can do, I think that I should respond to the full extent that I can.
Globalization has so many effects that are interwoven, that sometimes action against a negative, can hinder a positive effect. I believe that God gave us good minds, and with thought, we can respond to globalization effectively, and responsibly.
Thank you for reading my short blog. I had never made one before, so it was quite the learning experience! "Blogging" is rather different than essay writing. Also, thanks to Google.com for providing many of my images I've used.
I hope that my writing, though not the best, has been able to make you think about how you should respond to the question, "To what extent should I, as a citizen, respond to globalization?"